mariia Lemperk (Odesa, 1999).
interdisciplinary artist, performer and one third of BREASTMILK trio.
currently based in Kraków, Poland.

mariia's practice has evolved in cross-media-research-based projects where she explores memory and body politics.
recent work focus is on the areas of controled pain evironments, gender deconstruction and presence of the queer in political and cultural contexts of today. 

At the very moment mariia works on:
"PAIN GAME" project with curatorial support of Łukasz Trzciński, 
Builds an underground gallery "SYRO" with BREASTMILK trio,
Plays in a new film of ukrainian independent filmmaker and queer-artist AntiGonna,
Works on noise-performance duo "31st" with Dawid Kowalik, Warsaw,
Prepares an individual exhibition for Cloakroom, Cricoteka with curatorial support of Kamil Kuitkowski,
Carefully creates a common ground duo One Vivid Orange Wall with Ana Szopa.