Krajka, 2021
hand-tied fabric, embroidery
hand-tied fabric, embroidery
In the Ukrainian culture, "Krajka" (Ukr. - крайка) is a belt that served to hold the thigh clothes, as well as a talisman that was supposed to protect against the bad influences of reality with the help of a symbolic system of patterns embroidered on it.
The story of Krajka began with 31 female surnames found by the artist's grandmother in the archives, all together they represent the great unity of the family, whose members were never known except for the archival fact. Krajka appeared at the moment when the artist's grandmother got ill with COVID-19, which was followed by a long period recovery after the crisis.
Author recreated her grandmother's handwriting on each individual piece of cloth, woven by her for each surname specifically. Their unification into one belt - krajka, reflects the restored family sequence, which was lost amongst political catastrophes: evacuations, forced displacement based on national grounds, and so on. This unity symbolizes the return of one's "own" history and becomes a sign of resistance to the principle of oblivion that history imposes on us.
Author recreated her grandmother's handwriting on each individual piece of cloth, woven by her for each surname specifically. Their unification into one belt - krajka, reflects the restored family sequence, which was lost amongst political catastrophes: evacuations, forced displacement based on national grounds, and so on. This unity symbolizes the return of one's "own" history and becomes a sign of resistance to the principle of oblivion that history imposes on us.
text: Lera Pliekhotko.

"Orange blanket", 2021
During production of "Kraika" as a response on personal and political circumstances, pieces were supplemented by two artworks created in the same technique. The first one with the text: "Cover me with a red thread or with a green rag" was a visualization of the phrase that artist's grandmother said during her disease of COVID-19. This period was full of fear of losing a close person who was saving family memory. This poetry hides in us and reveals itself in the moments of limited frankness, which is only available when our awareness burst through reality and nonsense.
During production of "Kraika" as a response on personal and political circumstances, pieces were supplemented by two artworks created in the same technique. The first one with the text: "Cover me with a red thread or with a green rag" was a visualization of the phrase that artist's grandmother said during her disease of COVID-19. This period was full of fear of losing a close person who was saving family memory. This poetry hides in us and reveals itself in the moments of limited frankness, which is only available when our awareness burst through reality and nonsense.
text: Lera Pliekhotko.

ph: Sonia Mossoczy

Group exhibition "CAMOUFLAGE", Kraków, Ufo art gallery, 2021
ph: Irena Kalicka

Annex of personal exhibition Małgorzaty Markiewicz "A Man's World No More", Kraków, Bunkier Sztuki, 2022
ph: Rafał Sosin

Group exhibition "Let them wave! Contemporary Polish Sewn Sculpture", Studio Cannaregio, Venice, 2022
ph: Leszek Golec